THE FINAL BATTLE - by Cobra on October 10, 2020 / Bătălia finală - de Cobra, pe 10 octombrie 2020

Saturday, October 10, 2020 / Sâmbăta, 10 octombrie 2020


Please follow this post tightly, my interpretation of these images will be shared!)

All five are suggestive images from Cobra and his imagination, therefore I try to see them in my own way, I interpret as follows:

Image 1:
From this link:

This is a military patch originating from the 504th flight test squadron, operating out of Groom Dry Lake, meaning Area 51 and Los Alamos AFB.

This image may suggest the home of many secret bases in USA which are hiding secret alien technoogies, projects, perhaps operations, involving many military factions - (color, deepp green as soldiers equipment basic nuance), researchers, scientists, aliens working together with humanity in undergraund facilities, as we have some places where we know is located Aria 51, Dolce bases, cities with Air Force Bases, Air Force Commands. It seems to be the final step to Disclosure, masive intel being released soon to humanity, it is enough time spent in dark, in silence and retreat, around the Event we learned earlier, some intel have to be given to us, and than all the truth and full disclosure about our planet history, human civilisation on Earth, the quarantine in which we are living, knowing for milenia, we are alone in space and Univers ... all these is not true, we are one of the human civilisation in that galaxy, but in the Universe are thousands, and millions of other galaxies, with possible life and very developed forms of inteligence and beings.

Possible take down of dark forces and wining the Light Forces in all millitary operations!

This figure also is downloaded to one of the Cobra's blog post ("The Portal"),  from march 2018 - "Surface Situation Update", here:


I see the Light Forces silver and bright ships invading our space (maybe sublunar space this time), taking back their rights in this part of Galaxy, clearing all dark forces, dracos, etc, as we know was realy hapened in the last weeks.  They are ACTIVATED, in full action, with all forces and power, helping to liberate our planet Earth and removing all darkness finally!  The Earth will clear it's quarantine state soon !

Also, I see the light ships coming through a wormhole, the best way to travel in space on long distance!


Tha Final Battle has started already! as Cobra stated, Light Forces are in position with their fleeets on the Flower of Life grid around the Earth, helping to stabilise the energies in the orderly shape of the flowers ! 
The Light Forces and Alliance are in position of Flower of Life to bring back the harmony, peace, restores order and balance !

(From Cobra: "There were some drastic military escalations behind the scenes, (...), and there is now a full scale war going on between the Galactic Confederation and the Draco fleet in sublunar space, and a full scale war between the Resistance Movement and the Illuminati Breakaway Complex in the underground bases. Nothing can be said at this time about the operations on the surface, as all is still classified." -


Not only the Ley lines, Vortices need energy and balance, but humanity need also healing and great, long last help and assistance from Pleiadians, we know well, they offered us the healing protocols starting with : "Command PB Stardust", than "Command RCV Stardust", "Command 771" and now, "Command 12 21" !
WE have plenty of info about these healing protocols, and we are very happy to use and experiment them, each one, many times !
More info here (Command 12 21):

Command PB Stardust
Command RCV Stardust
Command 771
Command 12 21


We are living unique times, pre-Event, Event and post-Event gorgious ones !
As Cobra told us many times, after the Event, the first alien civilisation from positive side, which was supporting planet Earth long time ago, will be Pleiadians, from Pleiades Constellation. This great image is showing the first contact between our civilisation and a silver Pleiadian ship which is landing on a crop cicle with the name of Ashtar Command, who is one of the Light Forces structure having the purpose to liberate planet Earth, leader Commander Ashtar Sheran!

As we all know already, many crop cicles were founded around the world, a large number in England, but in Spain, Italy, etc. also ! it is supposed to be created like a misterious message from other alien positive ET's which are here to help humanity and to assist us in our ascensiom in 5th dimension beside our planet, to assist in planetary liberation and clearing the cabal and other dark forces!

As Cobra declared, will be many Contact Dishes (contact zones), such us private platforms to be safe aries where they, our galactic brothers and sister will land and make the first contact with the key members from Light workers community on the planet !

For example here: (inactive link by now, sorry!)
and on my blog in romanian translation:
